Thursday 20 June 2013

Silvassa - A walk in the rain

Forest is where I first discovered my love al fresco. Traveled in search of adventure, in search of peace, in search of new culture, people, their laugh, cry, worry and journey. Each time it added a different flavor of vigor to the mind - my search for infinity and embrace more of travel to my life.

This time it was Silvassa, a small union territory with a lot to offer – my thirst was all for the greener pastures.
Overcast sky with a flock of stunning bluish grey clouds. The sun was hiding behind raincloud, a kaleidoscopic backcloth of nature. A good one hour passed since the day cracked and still…

With 80% of the land area covered by forest, it has hopelessly found me in love with its quietude. Small villages, rain-drenched pitch black roads, Fire Tree branches greeting us on the highway. “Welcome to the wonderland” I thought!

Twilight brought out the colors of forest alive. We were driving through the forest, valley and meadows soaked in twilight.

I walked few meters away from my stay and I found this path which almost looked paradisaical.  No, the forests here did not look dangerously wild and creepy with huge trees. Birds were chirping. We saw a herd of deer crossing our way. Cameras were all ready to flash on time.

A few steps ahead, across the water-holes, we got our first glimpse of the magnificent, the wildest, the king of the jungle with her better half lazing around. A few quick shots of the timeless beauty, we are still in awe of the wild !

The very next day we were to drive back to Mumbai, but we had some amazing memories to cuddle up with, some enthralling experiences to share and some spellbinding photos to captivate our senses forever. 

Silvassa like a welcoming host charged us up to come back and join the grind again. Hakuna Matata !

1 comment:

  1. splendid...dumbstruck...the bounty of nature...the silence of woods...the admiration of beauty...the journey of foliage...
    A complete boulevard of conceived dreams...

    ---My Pride My Sister---
    LOVE YOU!!!
